Desk stock photo
Photo @ContentTonic
If you’ve ever searched for hours for the perfect stock photo for your blog or website, only to come up empty-handed, you’re not alone.
Free stock photo sites are a bit of a mixed bag, there are lots of high-quality images from professional photographers from all over the world but sifting through them all can be overwhelming. If you’re like me, it leads you down a rabbit hole of searching, indecision, and second-guessing. A lot of the time you find something close, but not quite exactly what you were looking for. And that’s okay for the most part. Sometimes you might not even have anything specific in mind and something that’s simply in the ballpark will do. Other times, not so much.
I’m trying my hand at creating my own photos, and wanted to make them available for you to download and use too. I’m no photographer…but I don’t think that matters as much anymore. If you’re offering specialized services like plumbing or landscaping, your own photos will often be the best representation of your work—even if they’re not pro-quality.
With today’s cellphones, taking a good-quality image is easier than ever before…so why not try it for yourself.
Or, if you’re working from your computer and want to share a cute keyboard photo…then go ahead and use this one. Hope you enjoy!